
how miing bitcoin

Hi friends, this tutorial will show you how to use the web application from Ikea for planning a kitchen.
You heard right, I will show you how to make a home Ikea kitchen in front of the computer. It is a very clear example of how we can simplify life on the computer.
A while ago I went to Ikea to buy furniture for the kitchen thought the house, where I found myself to be configured as any kitchen especially, that no ready-made kitchens. Said and done, I sat on a chair in front of a computer in the showroom and I realized that I do not manage. I asked an agent using Ikea which I configured a boot high speed for about 50 million, money that I had not.
I went home and I put the program Ikea, I managed to make my kitchen a few hours a millimeter on the space available, that in less than £ 1,200. Quality of bodies is the same, just different finishes, legs and obviously I put fewer drawers that are terribly expensive.
Nice achievement I decided to do a tutorial on how to use the app, that no one be forced to scratch his head through the showroom, not knowing where to go.
Simply make your kitchen at home, in front of your PC when you go to Ikea already know about what it is and what to buy.
The beauty of this system comes from the fact that you do not have to do all the cooking time, start with the bodies that they can afford and what you need now and when doing cava cache buy the rest.

Hello friends, as I promised yesterday, after 5 months of waiting, I received money making device Bitcoin Miner 5 GH / s DMC is a Butterfly Labs that may miners 5-10 GH / s with minor modifications, to the difficulty of today means about 2-5 euros per day, depending on how you choose to miners.
If you are new to Bitcoin, you can view these tutorials about Bitcoin, there you will find out what Bitcoin, is a btcoin, how to get a Bitcoin, how networks work, etc, etc..
Bitcoin, earn money with a computer performance
Best hardware for "printing" money Bitcoin
Pay attention:
In the first tutorial of a Bitcoin value was around $ 12 door, now a Bitcoin worth about 800-1000 dollars door.
The product that I received today was commissioned five months ago and yesterday finally came.
In time of order placement, 5 months ago, I paid $ 350 door yesterday I paid £ 220 duty. So we should expect additional costs if you buy duty mining machine outside the European Union.
In terms of performance I can not say anything because I did not put to work, but we'll keep you on the way you test him / bag to work.
Waiting for your questions and comments on the section.
About fog during filming talked during the tutorial, so basically sell you going to shoot with a cold camera into a warm environment.

Hi friends, today's tutorial we will continue our discussion about Bitcoin, the digital currency that has democratized online and managed financial system to ease payments between people via the internet. Now you can send money as it links.
This tutorial comes as an update to the tutorial series that we have done previously in the previous year, the reasons that led me to come with this update are:
One. Bitcoin has grown spectacularly, from $ 12 to $ 130.
February. Existing Bitcoin Germany recognized as a means of private payment.
March. Started appearing on the market hardware becoming more powerful for after Bitcoin mining.
April. 2 months ago I placed an order for a Bitcoin Miner 5 GH / s, I thought I tell you, do not keep it to myself.
For questions like: What is Bitcoin, What is Bitcoin, how to make Bitcoinii, How to miners, What is the best Bitcoin mining hardware, I invite you to watch the previous tutorials. There we discussed all aspects of the virtual wallet to software and mining pools.
Bitcoin, earn money with a computer performance
Bitcoin mining video card for money on the internet
You must understand that right now to make money from Bitcoin mining hardware you need performance, I do not mean the video card but the systems specially designed for mining. Such a system I ordered two months ago, on 02/07/2013. When you receive the product will promise to introduce in detail.
Meanwhile you can find on ebay cheaper products for mining, May Sele eftine are USB and can miners with 330 MH / s.
Computer hardware efficiency (and the difficulty are automatic, no need to fill than the hash rate

Hi friends, in this video tutorial we will talk about Bitcoin, a digital currency generated and managed network Bitcoin P2P currency that even I can do it.
To say that will capture the interest of a Bitcoin is equal to U.S. $ 12, more than that, Bitcoin can be scfimbati at any time in Dollars or Euros, you can collect them from the card.
What is a Bitcoin?
A digital currency (cryptocurrency) generated and managed in p2p network (not something to with bit torrent), transactions are validated by an army of computers, and the computers that make these calculations are rewarded.
At the heart of Bitcoin be a very fine-tuned based on cryptography, virtually all transactions are secure, a Bitcoin can not be spent twice, can not be forged, plus the total number of Bitcoin market in 2033 will be 20 million thus avoided inflation which all developed nations are struggling today.
Who sets the Bitcoin?
The market sets the value of a Bitcoin in relation to other currencies, it's simple, when demand for Bitcoin their value increases when iIt not request their value decreases. Fortunately lately Bitcoin is growing demand for payments made in that currency are 100% anonymous.
How can I get hold of Bitcoin?
January. Bitcoin can sell something
February. Bitcoin can buy with dollars or euros.
March. You work for them.
April. You can put your PC to work for them (the nicest way)
How do I get started?
One. Need to download the client (wallet) on so you can send and receive Bitcoin.
Two. For your security you should make periodic backup that I can send you one via email so your Bitcoinii are safe.
March. Enlist a pool and start to make money (, there download software and you start mining.
More on Bitcoin next tutorial ...